K C - Control C

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Control C

Purpose: Manage system action messages

 K C,D,id[,L={a     }]
            {cc    }
            {cca   }
            {name  }


K C,{A|I|E|CE},{id|id-id[,id|id-id]...}




The parameters are:

C The system is to delete one or more action messages that AMRF has retained.

A The system is to delete one or more outstanding retained action messages in any of the following categories:

immediate action (descriptor code 1 or 2)
eventual action (descriptor code 3)
critical eventual action (descriptor code 11).

These messages are identified by number in response to the DISPLAY R,LIST command.

I The system is to delete one or more outstanding immediate action messages (descriptor code 1 or 2). These messages are identified by number in response to the DISPLAY R,I command.

E The system is to delete one or more outstanding eventual action messages (descriptor code 3). These messages are identified by number in response to the DISPLAY R,E command.


The system is to delete one or more outstanding critical eventual action messages (descriptor code 11). These messages are identified by number in response to the DISPLAY R,CE command. id The one-to-ten-digit decimal message identification number of the message to be deleted. This number is listed in response to the DISPLAY R command (message IEE112I).


The one-to-ten-digit decimal message identification numbers of the beginning and end of a range of messages to be deleted. The ending number must be greater than or equal to the beginning number.  When a range of numbers is specified, all retained immediate action, eventual action and/or critical eventual action messages with identification numbers in the specified range are deleted.

The parameters are:


The inline display, indicated by the id operand, is to be stopped. This command is only valid on an MCS console.

id The three-digit identification number of the status display you want to stop. The identification number appears in the first line of the display.

L=a, cc, cca, name, or name-a

The identification number or name of the active MCS (printer or display) console where the status display is to be stopped. If you do not specify the L= operand, then the K C,D,id command applies to the console from which the command is issued.

The parameters are:

D Control what or how information is to be displayed on the screen. This command is only valid for MCS display consoles.

N Messages on the screen are to be consecutively numbered. The operator uses these numbers as references to delete messages from the screen using the K E,nn command. The numbers are removed from the screen when the operator deletes a message or performs a cancel action. This

option is not valid when:

The console is in wrap mode; the system issues message IEE290I.
The console is in roll or roll-deletable mode; the system issues message IEE158I.


In conjunction with the N operand, HOLD specifies that the system display consecutive numbers for each message on the screen and renumber messages after each message deletion that the operator performs.

F The next frame of a status display is to be displayed. When you do not specify an area, the oldest area on the screen is scrolled. This option is not valid when there is no status display on the console; the system issues message IEE158I.

H The updating of a dynamic status display is to be suppressed. This option is not valid when there is no dynamic status display on the console; the system issues message IEE158I.

U The updating of a dynamic status display is to be resumed. This option is not valid when there is no dynamic status display on the console; the system issues message IEE158I.

L=a, cca, or name-a

Specifies the display area (a), the console id and display area (cca), or the console name and display area (name-a) that is affected by this command.

The L= operand only applies to the F, H, and U parameters.


Specifies that the numbers of the program function keys (PFKs) designated for command entry are to be displayed in the PFK display line. This operand applies only to display consoles that have the PFK function and support the PFK display line.

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Last updated: August 27, 2001.