K Q - Control Q

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  Control Q

Purpose: affect a console’s message queue.

 K Q[,R={dd  }][,L={cc|name}]
       {HC  }


Q The CONTROL command is to affect a console’s message queue.

R The message queue is to be rerouted.

dd or name

The id or name of the console that is to receive the rerouted messages.


The hardcopy device is to receive the rerouted messages.

L=cc or name

The id or name of the console whose message queue is to be rerouted. You cannot specify the hardcopy device. If this operand is omitted, the message queue of the console from which the K Q command is entered is rerouted.

S The current console specifications are to be temporarily altered or referenced.


Conversational message deletion is requested or cancelled.

Y Requests conversational message deletion.

N Cancels conversational message deletion. (non-conversational message deletion is to go into effect).

Note: The CONTROL S,CON= command has no effect on extended MCS consoles or on system consoles and is not valid for managing these consoles.


The current console specification values are to be displayed in the entry area in CONTROL command form.


The size of the message segment is to be altered, where nn specifies the number of lines to be included in the segment of messages deleted when a CONTROL E,SEG command is entered. The nn value is a number from one to the number of lines in the message area.

Note: The CONTROL S,SEG= command has no effect on extended MCS consoles or on system consoles and is not valid for managing these consoles.


The message deletion mode is to be changed.

Y Automatic mode of message deletion is to go into effect. That is, all flagged messages are removed from the screen whenever the screen becomes full.

N Automatic mode of message deletion is cancelled. Messages must be removed manually.

R Roll mode is to go into effect. That is, a specified number of messages (determined by RNUM) roll off the screen each specified interval (determined by RTME).


Roll-deletable mode of message deletion is to go into effect. That is, messages roll off as with roll mode, except that the action messages accumulate at the top of the screen.

W Wrap mode is to go into effect. When the screen is full, the next message overlays the message at the top of the screen and subsequent messages continue overlaying older messages down the screen. The separator line, with the same highlighting attribute as the warning line, moves with the new messages and includes the count of the undisplayed messages. WTORs and action messages are also overlaid. Extended MCS consoles do not support wrap mode.

Note: The CONTROL S,DEL= command has no effect on extended MCS consoles or on system consoles and is not valid for managing these consoles.


The number of lines in the message roll. The nn value is a decimal number from 1 to the number of lines in the message area.

Note: The CONTROL S,RNUM=nn command has no effect on extended MCS consoles or on system consoles and is not valid for managing these consoles.


The time interval in seconds between message rolls. The nnn value can be any decimal number from 1 to 999, 1/2, or 1/4. This time interval sets the MCS screen refresh rate. Messages will be displayed each nnn seconds in R, RD, and W modes.


The format of messages sent to a console is to be changed. You can control whether the text of each message (including those from JES2 and JES3) is ccompanied by:

a time stamp

the name of the system that issues the message

the jobname or job id of the issuer of the message

The format of a message that includes all MFORM options is:

Time stamp System name Jobname/id Message text

You can enter more than one of the options. If you do, place parentheses around the list of options and separate them with commas. The system displays the information that accompanies the message text in the order described, regardless of the order of the options you specify on the MFORM operand. 

option can be any of the following:

T Requests that each message appear with a time stamp.

S Requests that each message appear with the name of the system that sent the message.

J Requests that each message appear with the job name or job ID associated with this message.

Note: This value is initially the job name or ID of the issuer of the message, but either the issuer or subsystem code can change the value. For example, messages that JES issues often change the initial value from the JES name/id to that of the job the message is describing.

M Requests that the text of each message appear without a time stamp, the job name/job ID of its issuer, or the name of the system that sent the message. The text of the message is displayed whether or not you use this operand. At IPL, if the MFORM operand in the CONSOLxx  member of SYS1.PARMLIB is not coded, the system displays the message text without time stamp, system name, or job name/ job id.

Note: M is the default MFORM option for extended MCS consoles. To change the default value for the extended MCS consoles use the RACF command, ALTUSER userid

OPERPARM(MFORM(T,S,J,M,X)). See OS/390 SecureWay

Security Server RACF Command Language Reference for more information. The default for MCS consoles can be changed with the CONTROL command.

X Requests not to prefix messages flagged as exempt from sysname and jobname formatting with a sysname and jobname field when the S and/or J operands are specified. X does not affect the T operand.

L=cc or name

The console this command is to affect. Before using the L operand, realize:

You can specify this operand to change the specifications of another console only from a console with at least CONS command group authority.

You can specify, for cc or name, the identifier or name of a full-capability console only from a console with master authority or a pseudo-master console.

You can’t specify, for cc or name, the identifier or name of a status display console.

If you specify, for cc or name, the identifier or name of a message stream console, you can’t specify DEL=Y or DEL=N, CON=N, or, if the identifier or name is for a non-display console, any operand other than MFORM.


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Last updated: August 27, 2001.