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Purpose: Use the SWITCH command to:

 Manually switch the recording of SMF (system management facilities) data from one data set to another

 Switch the following console attributes from one console to another console:

– Routing codes
– Message levels
– MCS console authority
– Message scope
– The console’s ability to receive undelivered messages

You can use SWITCH CN to append console attributes so that one console has the attributes of both or to reverse the append. You can also:

Switch the console attributes of an active or inactive console to another console

Switch the console attributes of an active or inactive console to its first available alternate console

Restore the console attributes of an inactive console that has switched to an active alternate

I {SMF }

{CN={(consname1) } }

{ {(consname1,consname2)} }

{ {(consname1,consname1)} }


The parameters are:


The recording of SMF data is transferred from one SMF data set to another. All SMF data in storage is to be written out before the transfer is made.


Indicates the console whose attributes the system is to switch. This console can be an MCS or extended MCS console, either active or inactive. The console you specify switches only to an active and compatible console that is its alternate or a member in its alternate group.

After it is switched, the system deactivates the console.

If the console you specify cannot switch to any console, the system rejects the command and issues error message IEE686I. The system uses the following rules to determine if one console can switch to another, assuming both are active:

A full capability console can switch only to another full capability console.

A status display console can switch to another status display console or a full capability console.

A message stream console can switch to another message stream console or a full capability console.

A printer console device can switch only to another printer console device.

With the exception of the system console, you can never use an extended

MCS console as the master console. That is, with the exception of the system console, you cannot designate an extended MCS console as the master console in the CONSOLxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

Although it is acceptable to list extended MCS consoles as alternates for MCS consoles, it is NOT acceptable to designate an extended MCS console—with the exception of the system console—as an alternate for the master console (that is, the console currently having COND=M).

You may not VARY an extended MCS console to be the master console using an operator command.

You may not switch the master console (that is, the console currently having COND=M) to an extended MCS console.

Note: If you specify only one console name, you do not need to enter the



Indicates that the system is to append the attributes of the console specified for consname1 with the attributes of the console specified for consname2. Consname1 can be an MCS or extended MCS console, either active or already switched to another console. If consname1 has already been switched to another console, the system removes consname1’s attributes from its alternate console before consname1 switches to consname2. consname2 must be active and compatible with consname1. If it is not active, the system rejects the SWITCH command with error message IEE686I. 


Indicates the console whose attributes the system is to remove from its alternate console. This console must have been previously switched to another console. If you specify a console that has not been switched or one that is currently active, the system rejects the SWITCH command with error message IEE686I. This command will not work on an extended MVS console that has been switched but not deactivated.

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Last updated: October 04, 2001.