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SLIP Command

The SLIP command controls SLIP (serviceability level indication processing), a

diagnostic aid that intercepts or traps certain system events. The following table

describes the three types of SLIP commands.

Table 4-34. Summary of the SLIP Command

Command: Topic:

SLIP SET "Setting a SLIP Trap" on page 4-422

SLIP MOD "Modifying an Existing SLIP Trap" on page 4-481

SLIP DEL "Deleting an Existing SLIP Trap" on page 4-482

General information about the SLIP command is in the following topics:

v "Syntax"

v "Using SLIP Commands"

v "Processing of SLIP Commands" on page 4-417

v "Coding SLIP Command Parameters" on page 4-418


The following introductory syntax gives you an overview of the entire command.


SLIP SET[,options],END Command for an error event trap (non-PER)

SLIP SET,IF[,options],END Command for an instruction fetch PER trap

SLIP SET,SB1[,options],END

SLIP SET,SBT[,options],END

Commands for a successful branch PER trap

SLIP SET,SA[,options],END

SLIP SET,SAS[,options],END

Commands for a storage alteration PER trap

SLIP MOD[,options] Command to modify an existing trap

SLIP DEL[,options] Command to delete an existing trap


1. You must specify SET, MOD, or DEL immediately following SLIP.

2. If you specify IF, SB1, SBT, SA, or SAS, it must immediately follow SET.

3. You must specify END at the end of all SLIP SET commands.

More detailed syntax is presented in the following:

v "Syntax for an Error Event SLIP SET Command" on page 4-429

v "Syntax for an Instruction Fetch or Successful Branch SLIP SET PER Command"

on page 4-430

v "Syntax for a Storage Alteration SLIP SET PER Command" on page 4-431

v "Syntax for the ACTION Parameters for the SLIP SET Command" on page 4-432

v "Modifying an Existing SLIP Trap" on page 4-481

v "Deleting an Existing SLIP Trap" on page 4-482

Using SLIP Commands

Use a SLIP command only at the direction of the system programmer. You can

enter a SLIP command:

v On a console with MVS master authority.

v On a TSO terminal in OPERATOR mode.

4-416 OS/390 V2R10.0 MVS System Commands


In the CLIST, use the line continuation character at the end of each line and the

END parameter at the end of the last line.

v In an IEACMD00, COMMNDxx, or IEASLPxx parmlib member.

While you can enter a SLIP command in any of these members, IBM

recommends that you place your SLIP commands in IEASLPxx and enter a SET

SLIP=xx command to activate the member. IEACMD00 and COMMNDxx require

that a command be on a single line. Also, SLIP may process commands in

IEACMD00 and COMMNDxx in any order, but processes commands in

IEASLPxx in the order in which they appear.

SLIP Traps in Systems in a Sysplex

For a sysplex containing similar systems, certain problems might require identical

SLIP traps on those similar systems. To set up these traps, do the following:

1. Assign similar names to identical jobs on different systems. The names should

form a pattern, such as JOB1, JOB2, JOB3, and so on.

2. Create one IEASLPxx member containing the trap you need for the problem.

Use a REMOTE parameter in the SLIP command so that, the first time a trap

matches on a system, the action will also be taken on other systems in the

sysplex. For example, the SLIP command could request a dump on its system

and, through REMOTE, on all the similar systems.

Use an IDGROUP parameter so that, after the match, the identical traps on the

other systems will be disabled.

Use wildcards in parameters so that the command will process in all systems in

the sysplex. For example, JOB? would indicate JOB1, JOB2, JOB3, and so on.

3. Place the member in the shared SYS1.PARMLIB or in the parmlib for each of

the similar systems.

4. In systems using JES2 or JES3 (release 5.2.1), activate the member or

members with the following command entered on one of the systems:


If only some systems in the sysplex are similar, use a ROUTE command

specifying a named subset of systems; see "ROUTE Command" on page 4-323

for details.

In systems using JES3 running releases prior to JES3 5.2.1, activate the

IEASLPxx members by the following command entered on the global processor:


When a SLIP trap results in SVC dumps from multiple systems, each dump

contains the same incident token. You can use the incident token to correlate the

multiple dumps to one problem.

Processing of SLIP Commands

For an error event, the system gives SLIP control before recovery processing by

ESTAE or FRR recovery routines. This timing allows SLIP to capture information

before recovery routines change it, thus providing the advantage of the original

problem data.

When you define more than one SLIP trap, SLIP processing first examines the last

defined trap. If it does not find a match condition, it proceeds to the previously

defined trap.

SLIP Command

Chapter 4. MVS System Commands Reference 4-417

Any SLIP trap affects system performance, but PER traps can have a measurable

affect on performance. Therefore, use conditions to filter the events being checked

for matches, especially for PER traps. Improper use of PER traps can cause severe

performance problems. See "Setting Effective SLIP PER Traps" on page 4-425.

Coding SLIP Command Parameters

The parameters can contain:

v Wildcard characters. See "Using Wildcards in Commands" on page 1-16.

v Indirect addresses.

Indirect Addresses

An indirect address is the address of a location or a general purpose register that

contains another address. You can use indirect addressing with the following SLIP



Note: Indirect addresses used with SLIP are similar to those used with the TEST

command in TSO except that:

v Unlimited levels of indirect addressing are permitted.

v Symbols are not used.

v Absolute addresses are not followed by a period.

v Address modifiers must be hexadecimal.

The elements of an indirect address used by SLIP are:

1. A direct address, which consists of 1 to 8 hexadecimal digits optionally

followed by one or more displacements.

2. A register , in the form nR, where n is a decimal number from 0 to 15.

3. An indirection indicator, which can be a percent sign (%) or a question mark

(?). The indirection indicator says that the information at the direct address or in

the register is a fullword pointer to the data. A percent sign means that the

pointer is a 24-bit address. A question mark means that the pointer is a 31-bit


4. A displacement, which begins with a plus or minus sign and consists of 1 to 4

hexadecimal digits. The maximum displacement allowed is 7FFF.

In the expression


128 is a direct address.

% signs indicate 24-bit indirect addressing.

+4, +8, and +C are displacements.

In the expression


2R is the register (general purpose register 2).

?? and ? indicate 31-bit indirect addressing.

2R?? is equivalent to 2R?+0?.

+4, +8, and +C are displacements.

To refer to data when the address of the data is located at A24, specify A24?.


SLIP Command



Starting the Generalized Trace Facility

Use the START GTF command to start the generalized trace facility.

S {GTF|membername}[.identifier][,devicetype|,[/]devnum][,volumeserial]






The parameters are:


The name of the IBM-supplied cataloged procedure that invokes GTF.


The name of the member that contains the source JCL that invokes GTF. The

source JCL can be either a cataloged procedure (for example, residing in

SYS1.PROCLIB) or a job residing in a partitioned data set. The name can be

either the IBM-assigned name (GTF) or a user-assigned name.


The user-determined name identifying this specific GTF session. If you omit an

identifier, the system default is the device number of the device where the trace

data set resides. the job name as the identifier.


The device type, such as 3211, of the writer to be started. The device type

provided in the IBM-supplied cataloged procedure for GTF is used unless

overridden by this command.

Note: devicetype and devnum are mutually exclusive.


The device number of the writer to be started. A device number is 3 or 4

hexadecimal digits. A slash (/) must precede a 4-digit number and is optional

before a 3-digit number.

Note: devicetype and devnum are mutually exclusive.


The serial number of a magnetic tape or direct access volume to receive the

trace data.

Chapter 4. MVS System Commands Reference 4-489


Trace data is to be maintained in the GTF address space.


Trace data is to be maintained in the GTF address space until the operator

enters STOP GTF. Then, during end processing GTF will transfer the data from

its address space to the output data set.


Trace data is to be maintained in an external data set.


Reserves common storage buffers to collect GTF data.

nnnK or nnM

The decimal number for the amount of storage in kilobytes(K) or

megabytes(M). The minimum amount, also the default amount, is 40K.


The decimal number for the amount of 4096-byte pages of storage.


Each logical trace record is to be time-stamped. If this parameter is omitted,

individual records will be time-stamped. TIME=NO is not supported.


GTF stops whenever an error is encountered while a trace record is being

created. If this parameter is not specified, GTF attempts to recover from the

error condition but might not be able to record future events of the same type.


The member of SYS1.PARMLIB to be accessed by this invocation of GTF. If

this parameter is omitted, GTFPARM is used.


The maximum size of the GTF address space in bytes. You can specify any

number from 832K to 2880K.


Any appropriate keyword specified to override the corresponding parameter in

the cataloged procedure. The maximum length of each keyword=option is 66

characters. No individual value within this field may be longer than 44

characters in length. If you are overriding a symbolic parameter, do not use any

of the DD keywords. For example, do not use UNIT= to override the devicetype

positional parameter in the cataloged procedure.

SADMP= or SA={nnnK or nnM}

The number of bytes of GTF data that will appear in a stand alone dump. The

default is 40K.

SDUMP= or SD={nnnK or nnM}

The number of bytes of GTF data that will appear in an SVC dump (SDUMP).

The default is 40K.


If specified, indicates that the operator will not be prompted to specify trace

options. Message AHL125A and AHL100A will not be issued. Use this

parameter when you have a parmlib member set up with the desired GTF

options and you want to avoid multiple replies in a sysplex environment.

START Command

4-490 OS/390 V2R10.0 MVS System Commands

ABDUMP= or AB={nnnK or nnM}

The number of bytes of GTF data that will appear in a SNAP or ABEND dump.

The default is 0 K, which means that no GTF output data will appear in a SNAP

or ABEND dump.

Starting an External Writer

Use the START XWTR command to start an external writer.

S {XWTR|membername}[.identifier][,devicetype|,[/]devnum]


The parameters are:


The name of the IBM-supplied cataloged procedure that invokes the external



The name of the member that contains the source JCL that starts and defines

the external writer. The member can contain a cataloged procedure (for

example, residing in SYS1.PROCLIB) or a job residing in a partitioned data set.

The name can be either the IBM-assigned name (XWTR) or a user-assigned



The identifier of the writer to be started. This name consists of up to eight

characters. The first one must be alphabetical. If you do not assign an identifier,

the system uses the device number of the device allocated to the writer as the



The device type, such as 3211, of the writer to be started.

Note: devicetype and devnum are mutually exclusive.

4-496 OS/390 V2R10.0 MVS System Commands


The device number of the writer to be started. A device number is 3 or 4

hexadecimal digits. A slash (/) must precede a 4-digit number and is optional

before a 3-digit number.

Note: devicetype and devnum are mutually exclusive.


The serial number, up to six characters, of the magnetic tape or direct access

volume the writer is to use.


The output classes, in priority sequence, the writer is to process. You can

specify up to eight output classes, naming them in sequence without separating

them by commas.


Any appropriate keyword specified to override the corresponding keyword in the

cataloged procedure. The maximum length of each keyword=option is 66

characters. No individual value within this field may be longer than 44

characters in length. If you are overriding a symbolic parameter, do not use any

of the DD keywords. For example, do not use UNIT= to override the devicetype

positional parameter in the cataloged procedure.

START Command


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Last updated: October 04, 2001.